Thursday, December 23, 2010


1)买卖合同 (S&P)的费用是以屋价来算的:

屋价 = RM 250,000

a) Legal Fee:
First RM 150,000 = 1.0% (minimum fees of RM 300)
Next RM 850,000 = 0.7%
Next RM 2,000,000 = 0.6%
Next RM 2,000,000 = 0.5%
Next RM 2,500,000 = 0.4%
Excess RM 7,500,000 = Negotiable (not exceeding 0.4%)

RM 150,000 = 1.0% x RM 150,000 = RM 1,500
RM 100,000 = 0.7% x RM 150,000 = RM 700
Legal Fee = RM 2,200

b) Stamp Duty:
First RM 100,000 is at 1% of the value
Next RM 400,000 is at 2% of the value

RM 100,000 = 1.0% x RM 100,000 = RM 1,000
RM 150,000 = 2.0% x RM 150,000 = RM 3,000
Stamp Duty = RM 4,000

c) Disbursement fees: Land search + Q.A Search + Affirmation and etc
~= RM 200 - RM 400

d) Others: Miscellaneous + Transportation
~= RM 150 - RM 250

2)贷款合同 (Loan Agreement)的费用是以贷款数额来算的:

贷款 = RM 200,000

a) Legal Fee:
First RM 150,000 = 1.0% (minimum fees of RM 300)
Next RM 850,000 = 0.7%
Next RM 2,000,000 = 0.6%
Next RM 2,000,000 = 0.5%
Next RM 2,500,000 = 0.4%
Excess RM 7,500,000 = Negotiable (not exceeding 0.4%)

RM 150,000 = 1.0% x RM 150,000 = RM 1,500
RM 50,000 = 0.7% x RM 50,000 = RM 350
Legal Fee = RM 1,850

b) Stamping of Original Loan Agreement
= RM 1,000 (RM 200,000 x 0.5%)

c) Disbursement fees: Title search + Bankruptcy search + Affirmation and etc
~= RM 300 – RM 500

d) Others: Miscellaneous + Transportation
~= RM 150 – RM 300




1) 给定金(有些不用下定的)

2) 申请贷款 (可以一次申请几家银行)

3) 贷款批准,拿 Letter of Offer

4) 签买卖合约(S&P),给10%的钱
然后用 S&P 和 Letter of Offer 去EPF申请

5) 签贷款合约

6) 等屋子建到一定进度,发展商就会出信收钱了,如果借90%,就等银行出钱给发展商。 通常发展商会给14天或21天的时间


1) 10% - 签买卖合约(S&P)时就要给了

2a) 10% - 完成打桩/地基
2b) 15% - 完成框架和地板
2c) 10% - 完成墙壁和门窗架
2d) 10% - 完成屋顶/天花板/电线配管 (没有配件)/气体管道(若有)/内部电话联接
2e) 10% - 完成内外墙的灰
2f) 5% - 完成污水运作系统
2g) 5% - 完成沟渠运作系统
2h) 5% - 完成道路运作系统

3) 12.5% - 拿锁匙,水电具备

4) 2.5% - Within twenty-one (21) working days after receipt by the purchaser of written confirmation of the Vendor's submission to and acceptance by the Appropriate Authority of the application for subdivision of the said Building

5a) 2.5% - 拿锁匙的6个月后
5b) 2.5% - 拿锁匙的18个月后


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Tax Relief for Resident Individual Year 2010

Tax Relief for Resident Individual

Year 2010


Individual Relief Types

Amount (RM)


Self and Dependent



Medical expenses for parents

5,000 (Limited)


Basic supporting equipment

5,000 (Limited)


Disabled Individual



Education Fees (Individual)

5,000 (Limited)


Medical expenses for serious diseases

5,000 (Limited)


Complete medical examination

500 (Limited)


Purchase of books, journals, magazines and publications

1,000 (Limited)


Purchase of personal computer

3,000 (Limited)


Net saving in SSPN's scheme

3,000 (Limited)


Purchase of sport equipment for sport activities

300 (Limited)


Subscription fees for broadband registered in the name of the individual

500 (Limited)


Interest expended to finance purchase of residential property. Relief of up to RM10,000 a year for three consecutive years from the first year the interest is paid.
Subject to the following conditions:

(i) the taxpayer is a Malaysian citizen and a resident;
(ii) limited to one residential unit;
(iii) the sale and purchase agreement is signed between 10th March 2009
and 31st December 2010; and
(iv) the residential property is not rented out.
(a) 2 or more individuals are eligible to claim relief for the same property ; and
(b) total interest expended by those individuals exceeds the allowable amount for that year. Each individual is allowed an amount of relief for each year based on the following formula:
A x B
A = total interest allowable in the relevant year;
B = total interest expended by the relevant individual in the relevant year;
C = total interest expended by all the individuals.

10,000 (Limited)


Husband/Wife/Alimony Payments

3,000 (Limited)


Disable Wife/Husband



Ordinary Child relief



Child age 18 years old and above, not married and receiving full-time tertiary education



Child age 18 years old and above, not married and pursuing diplomas or above qualification in Malaysia @ bachelor degree or above outside Malaysia in program and in Higher Education Institute that is accredited by related Government authorities



Disabled child

Additional exemption of RM4,000 disable child age 18 years old and above, not married and pursuing diplomas or above qualification in Malaysia @ bachelor degree or above outside Malaysia in program and in Higher Education Institute that is accredited by related Government authorities



Life insurance dan EPF

6,000 (Limited)


Premium on new annuity scheme or additional premium paid on existing annuity scheme commencing payment from 01/01/2010 (amount exceeding RM1,000 can be claimed together with life insurance premium)

1,000 (Limited)


Insurance premium for education or medical benefit

3,000 (Limited)

Source: Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia (LHDNM)



























































Tuesday, December 21, 2010




〈2〉確定地點和類型「組屋、公寓、排屋或是town house」

〈3〉透過 or 了解當地產業價格

〈4〉留意the sun , new strait times 或是 各大拍賣網站,如,是否有相關地點的拍賣產業。

〈5〉查看有關產業的投標日期和費用,一般像ehsan ,你可以要求proclaimation,裡面有相關資料,如地址、面積、低價,負責銀行和投標成功日之前的管理費、地稅、門牌稅、水電費等等費用由誰負責。

如果還有人住,嘗試要求進去看看,了解產業的真實情況,大約需要維修的程度。觀察周圍環境和鄰居。如果大家都把垃圾丟在你家門口、隔壁印度老兄的音樂很大聲,對面家的嬰兒整天苦鬧,都是參考要點 。糞池、垃圾場或墳場在附近,請你務必三思。




〈9〉準備身分證、月薪單據、銀行存摺、過去兩年的EA Form 或是所得稅收據、Proclaimation letter 影印6份,在 ... nFinder.aspx?SMId=1找尋最適合你要求的前5名貸款銀行,上門與服務專員面談,尋求preapproved 你的貸款。







〈17〉簽署memorantum of sale,一般都是空白,你簽3份,給RM50的stamping fee。記得要求副本,不然自己簽了什麼文件都不知道。

〈18〉一般上第二天的下午3pm,回去拍賣行領回完整的文件Proclaimation Contract。會有兩份,其中一份是印有original的一定要收好,兩份都會有紅色的stamping 在你昨天簽名的那一頁。影印第一面的proclaimation of sale 和有你簽名的那一頁,交給銀行負責你貸款的服務員。

〈19〉委任律師處理。別忘記你的是急件,你必須確認所委任的律師對於拍賣產業有經驗,不然他不知道準備什麼文件,你又是承擔逾期,抵押金被沒收的困境。一般上銀行會要求你委任panel lawyer,你可以請服務員介紹。

〈20〉S&P 和Loan Agreement 跟一般向屋主買房子一樣,可以參考 ... &extra=page%3D1


〈22〉當然這個時候會突然接到要還錢的指示。不要驚訝,正常的!因為拍賣產業的銀行一般上不會出錢還outstangding fee,如果沒有strata,還是under master title,呵呵,你就必須給錢。雖然過後跟拍賣銀行claim回,不過應該只有一部分,因為late payment or etc銀行不負責,一句話就是銀行講到完。所以準備多10K,





Monday, December 20, 2010



擧個例子,Subang USJ,一個國内算得上是一流健全發展的住宅區,一切都被地方政府管理得很好。可是其屋價則久久徘徊在三四百千左右,價格幾乎比puchong,一些較遠但較新的發展還要低。
PJ SS2,Kelana 一帶地點卓越,是商業地段,可是其房子也是在三四百千左右,而靠近舊機場的Ara Damansara 的屋子雖然地勢較遠,交通也沒那麽方便,但價格卻在四百千以上。




1. 馬上入住,無需等。
2. 居住環境穩定,你看到的一切就是你買下的 (what you see is what you get)
3. 地方發展成熟,巴士學校警局醫院商店交通齊全。
4. 你甚至可以選你喜愛的鄰居來決定買那一間。
5. 投資的話,馬上獲得租金囘籌。


1. 白給幾年利息。
2. 等幾年,如果蓋產業如期完工兼拿到入伙准証CF 的話。
3. 新的住宅區環境還不完善,如四處的商店沒營業,學校沒建好,道路還沒通。
4. 剛取得CF的那幾個月,很多人都還未入住,整個地方空蕩蕩,死氣沉沉,陰風陣陣。
5. 任何人,不管黑的白的醫生律師豬肉販掠奪犯都可能住在你隔壁,如果有人住的話。
6. 你得到的會有可能跟你當年看模型又很大的出入,包括環境。比如空地無端端變回教堂,無敵KL景忽然被一座新建的公寓所抹殺,房間感覺上比示範屋小等等。
7. 投資的話,未必租得出。



巴生河流域未來發展趨勢分析—你要住哪裏 76#


很久很久以前,有人說將要把万擾 Rawang , 這個吉隆坡北部50公里的城鎮發展成第二個八打靈,大力推行工業發展區域,以期望吸引大量外資游進,成爲全國數一數二的工業區,烏鴉變鳳凰。

也有人雄心萬丈,耗資千億,重本打造雪邦 Sepang,把這個吉隆坡南部80公里的縣鎮變成亞洲矽谷,這裡有亞洲第一機場,有最漂亮的行政區,最先進的智慧城,最聞名的多媒體走廊(雖然小弟毫不認同),簡直就是Dubai 第二。

若干年后,鳳凰還沒孵出就難產了。Dubai第二對許多人民來説,不過是一片空有一流設施,九流管理的郊區。餘留下的,就是數之不盡賣不出的產業。我們今天看到的報紙上任何產業拍賣會的產業,過半肯定都是Rawang 跟 Nilai (Sepang)的產業。

所以, 發展趨勢是可以預測的嗎?


也是很久以前,四海棧集團在白沙羅推出了Bandar Utama Damansara,售價180千。當時大衆普遍認爲價格過高,畢竟其他地方同類型的屋子才買百多千而已。加上那裏地方偏遠,交通不便,180千只有傻瓜才會買。


大概是同一個時候,孟沙 Bangsar 的屋子價位也非常高,幾十年屋齡的雙層排屋成交价近400千一間。簡直就是天價。許多人,包括行内人都認爲其價格不值,泡沫遲早會破裂。





购屋银行贷款 59#



这三间银行分别是PBB,HSBC & Standard Chart而 HSBC & SC 都是申请Homesmart & Morgage One 的配套。。而PBB就是传统的房屋贷款配套。。当时我问到PBB的是我手头上银行提供最吸引的配套。。(好像是BLR-x% and fix for tenure),不过到最后我还是“淘汰”了PBB..因为还是觉得HSBC & SC的伸缩性高的配套适合我。

而当比较Homesmart and MO的时候,其实两者在借贷条件上都是大同小异的,开一个借贷户口,这户口是一个来往户口,可以申请atm card, cheque book and credit card (服务费都更其他银行一样),那你就可以把钱存进这户口了。那银行就会每个月从这户口扣钱但做是我们的每月供款。。那在这户口多出来的钱就当作是以把钱“暂时”还给银行,可以扣除利息(daily interest)。。可是好处是当我们需要用到钱时,就可以随时通过ATM & Cheque来提出款项,就好像一般的户口一样,非常的方便。。举个例子吧。

若借RM100,000 . 每月供RM900 .








既然你認爲那裏發展不怎麽好,每年9600 的租金售價240,000,囘籌連4%都沒有。基本上如果你父親賣了,把240000 存入銀行,其利息也差不多有每月800塊了。



抵押借貸overdraft,支出200000。30年,利息6% 。(overdraft 利息較低)

現金流 cash flow
每月收入 800 + 1200 = 2000 (租金)
每月支出 1200 (貸款月供)

每月淨收入 = 800


也或者,你可以賣出該店,cash out 240000,貸款多200000,買兩間上述的公寓,會籌更高,更划算。


不賣的話,每個月800 的租金是否滿足得到你們?




Mortgage Loan

我還不知道到底mortgage loan中文翻譯該叫什麽,所以暫且稱之為抵押貸款。

花旗的HomeCredit,汇丰的HomeSmart, 渣打的Mortgage One,基本上都是同類的產品。然而,這幾年在我國很受歡迎,個人認爲證明了一個現象:消費者都選擇持有現金,不愛做出冒險花錢投資或貸款買入新物業。



例子1。 傳統貸款 利率7%
貸款 1,000,000.00, 利率7%,30年償還期。




例子2。抵押貸款 利率8%
貸款 1,000,000.00, 利率8%,30年償還期。


結果,18年六個月后就還清了。只是給銀行賺了 916,444.98。



例子3。抵押貸款 利率8%
貸款 1,000,000.00, 利率8%,30年償還期。

+ 200,000.00 儲蓄戶口


結果,12年1個月就還清了。只是給銀行賺賺了 447,632.98



匯丰的 HomeSmart 沒有設定最低貸款額,即使是50千也可以申請。



巴生河流域人口分佈圖講解---你住在哪裏? 2#


Wednesday, December 15, 2010



What follows below is applicable only if you will be running ShopAssist® in a network environment. No configuration changes are necessary if ShopAssist® is running on a single computer.
ShopAssist® is fully network-enabled, and up to two hundred terminals can be run off a single server. Under Windows® 95/98/2000 or Windows® NT setting up a network is as simple as inserting an Ethernet card in each of the terminals, connecting them and configuring the software. If ShopAssist® is being used in a network environment, all the live data files will reside on a single designated computer (the server). ShopAssist® (and in particular, the Borland® Database Engine (BDE)) must nevertheless be installed and resident on the server and on all the terminals.
Configuring Network Terminals ShopAssist® accesses the database through a single alias - SA. This alias initially points to the c:\sa\ directory on the local hard drive. For terminals in a network environment, this alias must be made to point to the c:\sa\ directory on the server. This can be done in one of two ways:
(1) Using BDE Administrator To set up a network terminal, you will need to make two, and possibly three, changes. The preferred method of doing so is through the Borland® Database Administrator.
On each terminal do the following: (a) Load the program c:\Program Files\Borland\Common Files\bde\Bdeadmin.exe (b) Click the Databases tab. (c) Click and open the Databases item on the tree list. (d) Single-click the SA item of the tree list. Do not double-click on the item or click on the + sign, as this will open the connection and disable further editing. If this occurs, click the Folder icon in the top left-hand corner of the form to close the connection.
(e) In the right-hand pane, enter the path to the sa directory on the server in the PATH grid cell. The path may be specified using UNC (Universal Naming Convention) (preferred) or using a mapped drive. e.g. (using UNC) if the server’s Computername is Server1 and the root directory of the C drive on the server has been shared as croot then specify the path as \\Server1\croot\sa\ e.g. (using drive mapping) if the sa directory on the server has been mapped to the F drive, then specify the path as F:\sa\
(f) Click the Configuration tab. (g) Double-click the Drivers item on the tree list. (h) Double-click the Native item on the tree list. (i) Click the PARADOX item on the tree list. (j) In the right pane, enter the path to the root directory of the server in the NET DIR grid celle.g. (using UNC) \\Server1\croot\e.g. (using drive mapping) F:\N.B. In a network environment, the BDE NET DIR paths of all nodes on the network must point to a common location (directory) on the server. See also.
(k) Double-click the System item on the tree list. (l) Click the INIT item on the tree list. (m) In the right pane, make sure that the Local Share option is set to TRUE. Note that Local Share must be set to TRUE on all terminals and the server in a network environment. Do not change any settings other than those mentioned above. (n) On the main menu bar, select Object Exit. Assuming everything has been done correctly as above, agree to save all changes made as the default.
Universal Naming Convention UNC is the preferred method for pointing network terminals to the server, the reason being that an innocent user may easily change or delete a mapped drive. The general format of a UNC path is a double backslash, followed by the server’s Computername, followed by a single backslash, followed by the Share Name of the root directory of the server’s C drive, followed by a single backslash, followed (optionally) by the directory you are pointing to followed by single backslash (\\SERVER1\SAFOLDER\
On each terminal: 1. Load Bdeadmin.exe and i Specify the SA alias path as \\SERVER1\SAFOLDER\ ii Specify the NET DIR path as \\SERVER1\SAFOLDER\
Example 2. In this example, the NET DIR path points to a directory other than the c:\sa\ directory on the server. Assuming the server’s Computername is SERVER1, proceed as follows On the server: 1. Create a specific directory to house the Paradox NET file (e.g. c:\sa_contol\)
2. Share the directory as SACONTROL, with full read-write access (do not share with the same name as the directory name) 3. Share the server’s c:\sa\ directory as SAFOLDER, with full read-write access 4. Load Bdeadmin.exe and i Specify the SA alias path as c:\sa\ ii Specify the NET DIR path as \\SERVER1\SACONTROL\ On each terminal: 1. Load Bdeadmin.exe and i Specify the SA alias path as \\SERVER1\SAFOLDER\
ii Specify the NET DIR path as \\SERVER1\SACONTROL\
Note (as demonstrated in the above two examples) that the NET DIR path must be specified in UNC notation, both on the server and all terminals.
N.B. The Borland® Database Engine will be properly configured for the server (and only for the server) by the installation program. Only on network machines (i.e. terminals), does the Borland® Database Engine need to be re-configured to point to the server.
Running ShopAssist® under Windows® Vista Vista’s default security settings do not allow an entire drive to be shared (not easily, anyway) nor does it allow applications to write to the root folder of the C: drive. One or more of the following will allow you to run ShopAssist® under Windows® Vista. 1. Deactivate User Access Control (UAC). To do this, go to Vista Control Panel, go to Search and type in ‘User Access Control’ (or ‘UAC’). An option will appear allowing you to deactivate User Access Control. You will need to be logged in with Administrator rights to do this.
2. Run ShopAssist® as Administrator. To do this, find ShopAssist’s main executable file (c:\sa\sa.exe) in Windows® Explorer (it must be the executable file itself, not a link to the file), right-click on the file, click Properties and enable Run As Administrator.. 3. Run ShopAssist® in Compatibility mode. To do this, find ShopAssist’s main executable file (c:\sa\sa.exe) in Windows® Explorer (it must be the executable file itself, not a link to the file), right-click on the file, click Properties and enable Run This Program In Compatibility Mode.
4. Get ShopAssist® to create a small XML manifest file (c:\sa\sa.exe.manifest) which, if present in the c:\sa\ directory, will request elevated privileges for ShopAssist® at startup. Go to Managerial Preferences Advanced 1, enable the Run With Elevated Privileges option and click Apply to create the file. 4. In Bdeadmin.exe, change the NET DIR path to point to c:\sa\ (rather than c:\) on the server and correspondingly on terminals
e.g. \\SERVER1\SAFOLDER\(Assumes that the server’s computername is SERVER1 and that the c:\sa\ folder on the server has been shared as SAFOLDER)
See also
Lock Files The database engine creates a file called in the root directory (or the path pointed to by NET DIR) of the server, and files called Pdoxusrs.lck and Paradox.lck in the c\sa\ directory. These files, which control multiple simultaneous access to the database tables in a network environment, are normally deleted by the database engine when the last instance of ShopAssist® is closed. Should you encounter persistent errors of the kind ‘table is locked’, ‘table is busy’ or ‘file is controlled by another NET file’ when starting ShopAssist®, .NET or .LCK files left over from a previous session may perhaps still be present on the hard drive (e.g. due to a power failure or because Windows® or ShopAssist® terminated abnormally) and may be the source of the problem. A utility called c:\sa\clrlocks.exe has been provided to delete these files for you. This utility should be run (either from Windows® Explorer or from the DOS prompt) on the server and on each terminal, but only when no machines are currently running ShopAssist®.
Running ShopAssist® Locally A program called Runlocal.exe has been provided for emergency use in a network environment, to allow ShopAssist® to be run locally (i.e. independently of the server) for short periods of time Run Runlocal.exe to start a local session. This program will launch ShopAssist® and then remain in the background until ShopAssist® terminates. Whilst running in local mode, all data will read from and written to the local hard drive. Inventory database values, for example, will be as up to date as the last time you refreshed the files from the server.
If this module is being used on a once off emergency basis, you should do a dummy cash-up on startup to clear any previous totals. It is up to you to update cash and account sales, stock levels, sales histories, the cash book, etc. when the connection to the server is restored. At the close of a local session we suggest you do a cashup (with relevant reports) and then print a detailed transaction report from the View Previous Transaction Details module to facilitate the updating of data on the server when it is once again on-line.
In order to prevent its misuse, a local encrypted, read-only log is kept of all occasions on which Runlocal has been run. You should check this log periodically, by running Runlocal on the till in question, and check that ShopAssist® hasn’t been run locally without your knowing it. A Logoff time will only be stored if ShopAssist® was actually launched by Runlocal.
Changing A Terminal Back To A Standalone Machine Or Server
If you want to change a terminal back to a standalone machine (or server), proceed as follows: Load the program c:\Program Files\Borland\Common Files\bde\Bdeadmin.exe.and set the SA alias to point to the local machine’s sa directory (e.g. c:\sa\) and set the NET DIR path to point to the local machine’s root directory. (e.g. c:\).
Keeping Terminal Database Files Up To Date It is up to you to ensure that database files on the local machine are kept reasonably up to date, should you ever need to run a terminal in local mode.
Do so by either (i) selecting the Refresh From Server option on the Managerial menu (ii) copying the database files off the server’s c:\sa\ directory and pasting them into the local c:\sa\ directory with Windows® Explorer(iii) copying them onto floppy disk and transferring them to the local c:\sa\ directory.
Concurrency Issues One of the issues facing the developer of a networked application - with multiple terminals reading from and writing to the server simultaneously - is the need to maintain data integrity.
To give an example - two terminals simultaneously read the quantity in stock of an item as 2, both sell one of the item, decrement the quantity in stock by one and write the value 1 back to the server in close succession, the last in of the two writing the wrong value back. In order to prevent this situation from arising, when a transaction is in the process of being finalized (i.e. is being stored), it attempts to obtain a read-write lock on the tables it is writing to, thereby preventing other terminals from reading from or writing to the server at the same time. This may manifest itself as a momentary delay when a transaction is being concluded i.e. while process B is waiting for process A to finish its update.
To give another example - someone loads the stock take module which reads in all the current stock levels. He then decides to have a cup of tea and, after tea, begins updating the stock levels. In the meantime, several of these items have been sold on the terminals. When he eventually saves his updated data to the server, they will not take into account the fact that several of the items have in the meantime been sold. In general, the Stock Control module should not be used while the tills are active. If a till should try to conclude a transaction while it is loaded, it will be held back with an error message stating that ‘table xxx is busy’.
Other modules which use the Inventory table (e.g. the Inventory database module) can be used concurrently with the tills, but with one proviso - while you are actually editing a particular record (i.e. after you have pressed the Return or F2 key on a particular field), the table will be locked to other processes attempting to read from or write to the table.
Running ShopAssist® From Remote Sites If your server is running under Windows NT® Server 4.00 or greater, and you have the Remote Access Service installed and running (or have the Windows® 95 Dial-up Networking upgrade 1.3 installed and running), and have access to a high-speed ISDN line, machines at physically remote sites (a few doors or, perhaps, several hundred kilometres away) can log in using Windows® Dial-Up Networking. After logging in successfully the client becomes simply another node on the network.
While remote connection via normal telephone line is possible, current transfer speeds are too slow to make such a connection viable. In such case we recommend you use PcAnywhere® or similar remote control program. In order to simplify matters, the following protocol is recommended for all branch (dial-in) servers: i) The Computername of the server at each branch must be Server, followed (with no intervening spaces) by the branch number. e.g. the Computername of the server at branch 2 must be Server2, and the Computername of the server at branch 5 must be Server5. (See above for instructions on determining or changing the Computername.)
ii) The root directory of each server must be shared as croot (with full access rights)
E.g. a remote ShopAssist® client using dial-up networking to log in to the server at branch number 4 will expect to find the remote database on the path \\server4\croot\sa\
Establishing A Dial-Up Connection Once the remote server(s) have been set up as above, proceed as follows to establish a dial-up connection to the remote server:(i) Click Start>Programs>Accessories>Dial-up Networking. (If the Dial-up Networking option is not visible, you need to install it by clicking Start>Control Panel>Add/Remove Programs>Windows Setup and then adding the Dial-up Networking option.)
(ii) Click on the icon of the Dial-up server you are connecting to. (If there isn’t one you need to create one by clicking on the Make New Connection option.). Click on the Connect button to establish a connection with the remote server you are connecting to. (Depending on the Network settings on the other end, you may be asked for a password to log in to the network.)(iii) Once you have established a dial-up connection to the remote server, proceed in one of the following ways:
(1) If the local ShopAssist® client always logs in to a fixed remote server (and its SA alias and Netfile directory values have, using Bdeadmine.exe, been configured to permanently point to the remote server), simply load ShopAssist® and it should connect automatically to the remote database (2) If ShopAssist® occasionally logs in to a remote server, or logs in regularly to several remote servers (e.g. from head office), you can proceed in one of two ways:
(a) Run the program called Rmtlogon.exe, present in the c:\sa\ directory. Specify the branch number of the branch you will be logging on to and press Return or click the Proceed button. (b) Load ShopAssist and pass two extra parameters to the program: the word remote, followed by the branch number (or the server Computername†) of the branch being logged in to. Thus, to establish a dial-up connection to the server at branch number 4, load ShopAssist® as:
sa.exe remote 4 The first parameter is mandatory. If the second parameter (the branch number of the branch being connected to or the server’s Computername) is omitted (or is invalid), you will be given the opportunity for providing (or correcting) it when ShopAssist® loads. †(As specifying a fixed Computername for each branch’s server may not always be practicable, you may pass the remote server’s Computername, rather than the branch number, as the second parameter. e.g. to establish a dial-up connection to the server at branch 5 whose Computername is mainserver, load ShopAssist® as
sa.exe remote mainserver The root directory on the C drive and the sa directory must nevertheless still be shared as croot and safolder respectively.) If ShopAssist® is unable to connect to the remote database (e.g. if a dial-up connection has not been established or the remote server Computername provided is invalid) the application will terminate.
General NotesChanging The Computername The server’s Computername (the name by which the computer is known and accessed on the network) may be obtained by right-clicking the Network Neighbourhood icon on the Windows® Desktop and then clicking the Identification tab.
Sharing Drives And Folders (i) Load Windows® Explorer. (ii) Right-click on the C drive icon. A menu item named Sharing should be visible. If this item is not visible you will need to enable sharing on the computer, as detailed in step (iii). If the Sharing menu item is visible proceed to step (iv). (iii) Right-click the Network Neighbourhood icon on the Windows® Desktop. Click the Properties menu option. Click the File And Printer Sharing option (if this option is not visible click the Add button to add it). Enable User-level File And Printer sharing on the computer. (You may be asked for your original Windows® CD-ROM after changing the sharing status of the computer. If the Windows® CD-ROM (or original Windows® disks) are not readily available, you may select the Skip File option for the files Windows® is looking for.) Comply with any suggestion to re-start the computer.
Once File and Printer sharing have been enabled, proceed as in step (iv).(iv) Click on the Sharing menu item and share the C drive as croot. Right-click on the SA directory icon, click the Sharing menu item and share the SA directory as safolder. The icons will change slightly to reflect the fact that they are shared. Both the C drive and the SA directory must be shared with full read-write access.
Setting The Terminal Number In a network environment, each terminal must be assigned a unique terminal number.
Passing Command-line Parameters To ShopAssist® Several ShopAssist® functions may be hidden locally (i.e. on the machine on which ShopAssist® is loaded) by including a particular character in the first parameter:
A to hide the Accounts moduleC to hide the credit note function
D to hide the Administrator Mode facilityF to hide the Remove From Till facilityG to hide the Gift Voucher moduleH to hide the Hire moduleI to load ShopAssist® in Adminstrator modeL to hide the Lay By moduleM to load ShopAssist® with a minimal set of drivers {The Chart and Windows® slip printer drivers will not be loaded. The same action may be invoked at start-up by pressing Ctrl M when the splash screen is showing.)
O to hide the Compare Lists utilityP to hide the Appro moduleR to hide the Repair moduleS to hide the Spreadsheet moduleT to hide the Trip Sheet moduleV to hide the Advance To Till facilityW to hide the Till Watch moduleX to hide the Exchange facilityY to load ShopAssist® in Till-only mode
Thus if you wish to hide the Managerial menu on a particular terminal, then include the letter M in the first parameter.e.g. SA.EXE M to hide the Managerial menu. To hide the Accounts menu on terminals, include the letter A in the first parameter. e.g. SA.EXE MA to hide the Managerial and Accounts menus.
Parameter I takes prececedence over parameter Y. If both prameters are spcified.ShopAssist® will start up in Administrator mode.
If you wish to hide any of the above modules or functions globally (i.e. on the server and all terminals logging on to the server) then select the appropriate option on the Customize page of the Preferences form.
Pass the parameter BACKGROUND=xxx to load ShopAssist® with a particular background colour or bitmap. xxx must correspond exactly to one of the backgrounds offered on the Miscellaneous page of the Preferences form.
e.g. C:\SA\SA.EXE BACKGROUND=Navy e.g. C:\SA\SA.EXE BACKGROUND=Clouds.bmp To load ShopAssist® with a particular background colour (or bitmap) and a particular till number (e.g. to distinguish multiple instances of ShopAssist® on the same machine), pass the parameters BACKGROUND=xxx TILLNUMBER=ne.g. to load ShopAssist® with a Blue background as till number 2, load ShopAssist® asC:\SA\SA.EXE BACKGROUND=Navy TILLNUMBER=2
Network Troubleshooting In addition to the matters discussed above, here are a few more points to note in a network environment:
(a) The fastest possible network system should be used. In a large network environment (four or more terminals), a switch, rather than a hub, should be used. Increasing the maximum number of file handles to 100, and the maximum data cache size to 16384 Kb on on the Network Network 1 page of Preferences, may improve BDE performance.
Enabling the Keep Open Database Connections To A Minimum option on the Network Network 1 page of Preferences in a network environment of four or more terminals may improve performance.
(b) The maximum lengths for the various types of network cable should be strictly adhered to. Exceeding the specified maxima may lead to signal attenuation/distortion and possible data loss.
(c) Each terminal must at all times be mapped, using either UNC (Universal Naming Convention) or via a single drive letter, to the server. The disadvantage of the latter is that if a terminal attempts to log on while the server is off-line, Windows® displays a message box informing the user that the connection could not be made and asks whether he/she would like to try re-connect next time. If NO is the reply, the mapping to the server is lost and must be set up again the next time the terminal logs on.
(d) If you install certain ODBC drivers (e.g. a Paradox driver for Microsoft Access®), or other packages which use the Borland® Database Engine, the Database Engine configuration file may be corrupted and you may need to re-install ShopAssist®. First of all, use the Bdeadmin.exe utility to try and re-establish an SA alias pointing to the c:\sa\ directory on the local machine or server. If this fails, proceed as follows:
(i) if you don’t need to retain your data, uninstall ShopAssist® with the Add/Remove Programs component of Windows® Control Panel. If you do need to retain your data then copy, back up or zip all the data files in the c:\sa\ directory (i.e. all files that don’t have the extension EXE, RPT or DLL) to another temporary directory (click Managerial Data Back Up To Local Drive in ShopAssist® to have this done automatically for you)
(ii) uninstall ShopAssist® with the Add/Remove Programs component of the Control Panel. (iii) reinstall ShopAssist® from the original install disks or zip file. (iv) if you saved your previous data files in step (i) then copy, restore or unzip all the files you saved back to the c:\sa\ directory.
ShopAssist® Point Of Sale System. © ISC 1997-2008.